Jay has advanced the public debate over health equity and inclusion, with real-world insight into how everyone can reach their highest potential for health.
Jay has advanced the public debate over health equity and inclusion, with real-world insight into how everyone can reach their highest potential for health.
Advancing public health is my goal.
Federal, state and local governments have neglected lifesaving investments in the public health infrastructure that allows quick response in emergencies. As a public health professional, Dr. Bhatt introduced new ways to monitor local health risks, deploy a citywide public health plan, use big data, build public-private partnerships, allocate resources and build cross-agency teams at the local, state and regional levels. Jay brings his expertise to the discussion of the coronavirus pandemic and other health emergencies:
It’s an extraordinary time and opportunity for data. … It allows you to ask different questions in the exam room about what’s really happening between those two 15-minute visits.”
Jay is a "doctorpreneur", an agent of change within the healthcare system. He shares his experience and ideas in embracing new technology, improving education and research, and creating partnerships among caregivers, providers, business executives and community leaders:
As someone who as a second-year resident in the ICU after my fifth patient had passed, I was in a position where I didn’t know what to do.”
We are best positioned as physicians and medical students to bring the bedside to the boardroom. … If we don’t as physicians contribute our voice and our action to shaping health policy for our patients and their families, and for the many stakeholders that work in health care, then someone else is going to do it for us.”
Jay’s prescription for improving health and healthcare stem from his experiences in the community, public health school, public administration, medical school and residency, as a primary care doctor, and as a technology innovator. He talks about how healthcare workers will adapt to social and technological change:
Social Needs, Social Determinants of Health, and Health Equity
Improving health means treating the entire community, addressing underlying risk factors and creating the economic prosperity that allows residents to take better care of themselves. Jay talks about: